Fried Chicken and Sushi 399 The Black Samurai and Dragon pastries

If dragons live long lives then I guess he can wait for his meat and pastries.  Sorry, no big battle for the Black Samurai this time.  At least they had an easy time getting rid of him.  A lot easier than it will be for Karl to put back some of those pastries. Do you guys love pastries in Japan as much as I do?

Fried Chicken and Sushi 398 Ryan's true competitive colors!

Let's all remember that J and Ryan are competing to see who will be picked to continue working in the Japan office for a full year.  It's also good to remember that Ryan has no problem with using his popularity with the boss to his advantage.  I'm sure it's made easier by the fact that J doesn't usually treat him that well.  Will J and Ryan always be friendly enemies or... frienemies?  Probably.  YOU CAN BE MY FRIEND BY CLICKING HERE AND FOLLOWING ME ON TWITTER!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 397 Kenji's neighbor issues

I was hoping that the previous comic would have you wondering why Kenji was so upset with Ryan.  This one should clear that up.  We all love Ryan but he can be clueless when it comes to social interactions and a bit ruthless when it comes to getting ahead on the job.  He's still a decent guy but now Kenji is dealing with some of Ryan's negative aspects every day.  Let's hope he can keep his sanity!  KEEP YOUR SANITY AND CLICK HERE TO LIKE MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 396 Just say no to Ryan

Well, looks like J and Kenji have one thing in common.  Hating Ryan.  Or, is it really loving to hate Ryan.  Ryan is a loveable guy after all.  In his own way.  It's good that J can make a new friend in Japan.  Let's see where this goes.  YOU CAN CLICK HERE AND GO OVER TO MY TWITTER PAGE AND FOLLOW MY RANDOM THOUGHTS!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 395 A dry night out on the town

No offense but Japanese people really do enjoy going out to drink!  Kenji must like to keep his body temple clean and clear of toxins.  I don't know how he gets to know people better without drinking with them.  He certainly is an interesting character.  INTERESTING CHARACTERS CLICK HERE TO LIKE MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 393 The Black Samurai and the new threat

Looks like a dragon is new in town.  Can they battle its breath and survive?  Maybe we should talk to Sato sensei first?  I love drawing dragons so this page was pretty fun.  Hope you enjoy it!  YOU'LL ENJOY CLICKING HERE AND HITTING LIKE ON MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 392 Hachiro's English Lesson Fan!

Finally, Hachiro teaches someone that will like him for who he his!  There are plenty of people that find Americans kind of scary, overconfident or loud.  Can you believe that?! ;)  I guess she was looking for a different kind of English teacher.  I'M NOT OVERCONFIDENT THAT YOU'LL CLICK HERE AND LIKE MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE BUT I HOPE YOU WILL!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 390 Purikura posing with J

It was fun when my wife and I took the real J to a Purikura photo booth.  I think he liked it but it was a little unsettling.  Purikura photos are always fun but not as popular with guys.  Usually, a man is pulled into taking pictures with his girlfriend and adding cute stamps on the pictures of funny hats and hearts.  I enjoy taking Purikura photos but I only seem to go when I'm with my wife.  Do you have any great stories?  DON'T FORGET TO CLICK HERE AND LIKE MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE! 

Fried Chicken and Sushi 389 To touch hair or not to touch?

Let's face it, everyone wants to touch J's hair!  Even if they pretend that they don't.  If your black in Japan you just have to make peace with the fact that you will be very interesting to the people there.  It can be frustrating at times but not too bad as long as everyone is friendly.  YOU CAN BE MY FRIEND BY CLICKING HERE AND HITTING LIKE ON MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 386 Mai burp hello

I almost forgot to post to this blog because Little Fried Chicken and Sushi comics have been running for the past few weeks.  They were really fun to do and I'm already planning when to do more.  Playing around with the characters as kids gave me several ideas for them as adults.  I've always had issues with stomach pains when nervous due to gas.  I remember feeling nervous around my wife when we were first dating but I don't think I burped at her.  At least, she never said I did.  Either way, regular comics are back and I hope you stay tuned for more adventures!

Little Fried Chicken and Sushi comics!

I wanted to play with my FC&S characters and draw some comics where they're all kids in fourth grade.  For the rest of December, I'll be posting Little Fried Chicken and Sushi strips every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  I'm sure you are all busy with holiday fun but please stop by my site on those days to check out the new strips.  These comics have less details so I can draw them faster and put up four each week instead of two.  It's been a fun departure from my usual storylines.  It was fun to make comics aimed at kids and have a chance to put all the characters together with Tanuki.  Instead of Tanuki being stuck in Karl's house, he actually comes to school with him and uses his magic to cause trouble.  Enjoy the comics and let me know what you think!  CLICK HERE TO LIKE MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 385 Sato's late night husband

Sato sensei just needs therapy.  It's nice that she has a built in therapist sitting next to her each day.  Even better that they can talk to each other in English so no one else in the office will understand what she's complaining about.  YOU WON'T COMPLAIN IF YOU CLICK HERE AND FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 383 Sato sensei's love for natto!

I personally enjoy the taste of natto.  Other people do not enjoy the smell of my breath after eating it though.  Fermented soybeans seems like a strange choice of food for breakfast but they have a lot of protein and other good stuff for your body.  If you work in Japan, I'm sure you can smell your co-workers that eat natto for breakfast.  It's very good for you.  Just a little stinky.  IF YOU'VE NEVER SEEN NATTO THEN CLICK HERE AND WATCH THIS VIDEO.

Fried Chicken and Sushi 381 Practicing on Principal GG

I remember when I did this.  It felt so good to have the confidence to go up and ask the principal at my school what he did over the weekend in Japanese.  Until he laughed at me under his breath and didn't know how to answer.  My wife still laughs about it to this day.  YOU MIGHT GET A LAUGH IF YOU CLICK HERE AND LIKE MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE.