He’s a fourth grader who enjoys reading comics, playing with toys and drawing. Karl moved from America to Japan with his family and attends the International School of Osaka. He enjoys living in Japan but tends to “sweat the small stuff” of being a little foreigner quite a bit. If only he could get his friends to think he's cool and catch the eye of his crush, Mai.

Karl’s best friend at school who has been living in Japan for several years. He’s a cool and confident guy that likes to call things as he sees them. J is a martial artist and he's training to become a Ninja! He loves reading Manga and watching Anime and has a talent for remembering specific details about everything.

Tanuki is a wild, fun loving, raccoon spirit who lives with Karl's family. He wants his magical powers to grow but he doesn't take the time to practice. Things always seem to get worse when Tanuki decides to help.

Mai loves school and she makes sure that everything in her life is done right and with a positive attitude. She plays table tennis like a pro and spreads joy to all of her classmates with her smiles and kind words. She knows that Karl has a crush on her but she's more interested in spending time with Tanuki.

Hachiro is a Japanese-American living in Japan who loves comics and animation but most of all researching mysteries of the paranormal.

Miki has a bad attitude most of the time and she enjoys making others feel as terrible as she behaves. She has a lot going on in her head and if anyone is brave enough to get to know her they might be surprised with all she can offer.

Ryan is also an American kid living in Japan but he's a spoiled brat who loves to make life difficult for Karl and his friends. He enjoys playing sports and wants everyone to think he hates school. Ryan keeps his love of learning a secret in order to stay popular and look cool.

Kasha is Karl's outspoken and confident little sister. She will stand up for him in a heartbeat and isn't afraid to tell it like it is.

Karl's Mom is a giving person who lives for a life full of order and proper manners. She was a working Mom in America and now that the family is in Japan, she's learning that being a stay at home Mom isn't as easy as she thought it would be.

Karl's Dad is the Art teacher at the International School of Osaka. Dad's job is what brought the family to Japan. Living life just like Japanese people is Dad's main goal. He is a relaxed guy who isn't really interested in following rules exactly. Dad tries to stay a popular teacher and keep his job even though Karl and Tanuki get in a ton of trouble!

Sato sensei is Karl's poised yet eccentric homeroom teacher. She loves to share her beautiful Japanese culture with the students as often as possible.

Principal Glossy Gleam is the egotistical leader of the International School of Osaka. His one goal is to be the center of attention at all times. Tanuki granted his wish to shine and now he walks around with a glossy gleam so that he cannot be missed.