Fried Chicken and Sushi 203 Sato's Okonomiyaki

If you haven't tried real Japanese okonomiyaki, you should.  It looks a bit odd but it tastes really good.  If you go to a restaurant, they cook it on a grill in front of you.  I'll give a few more details in the next comic strip but I think it's pretty tough to make it taste bad.  Looks like Sato sensei isn't the best cook and we're understanding more about why her in-laws get on her nerves!  In other NEWS, I'm on the list of great webcomics on COMICMIX.COM where you can go and vote for me.  Please head over there and put in a vote.  The list is pretty long but I'm down near the bottom.   It's only about popularity but it would be good to see my fans supporting the comic.  Thanks guys!