Daylight Savings Time Gave you Superpowers
/Spring forward like a hero.
Photo by TK Hammonds on Unsplash
The people on television told you to set your clocks one hour ahead before bed Saturday night for daylight savings time. “Spring forward,” they said.
You’re a responsible citizen, so you did as you were told.
Little did you know this one change would grant a superpower the likes of which you’d never seen. Actually, you have seen it but never fully noticed how special it is.
If you live in a part of the world that observes this strange ritual—taking advantage of as much sunlight as possible—so that people can do more (and buy more) during daylight. You understand how draining it is on your body and soul.
In the past, the week after, you spend each day run-down and tired, confused where you are in the day.
Not this time.
You awoke on that faithful daylight saved Sunday with energy, focus, and a new ability…
The power to see into the future.
All of your concerns about losing one hour of sleep disappeared as you could see the entire day before you—living in both the past and the present.
It was clear that each member of your family would sleep later than usual. They would awaken in shock, checking the time and realizing how long they’ve been in bed.
You woke first, to the sound of birds chirping, coming from your cellphone alarm. Making sure you got up early to take hold of the day.
Absorbing the superpower as it rushed through your veins, giving you sight beyond sight.
The villain used their “Time Displacement” ray to make you aware of two different hours on the clock at the same time. Both the current time and one hour before. Don’t let it stop you.
As you thought through your day, you were keen on the fact it was 8 am, and 7 am all at once. Do not fear. With great power comes great responsibility.
You accepted this truth, stood up strong, and obliterated the forcefield of confusion.
Decisions were made. Breakfast or brunch? You would be in-between times and wonder if breakfast is necessary, or should you wait and go for brunch? You decide your vote will be for brunch. Do you know why?
Because lunch will be thrown all out of whack. You will not be hungry again until well into 2 pm. Why force eating when you’re not hungry.
You went with the change.
Especially when you knew what was coming.
You envisioned seeing people checking their watches and exclaiming, “What time is it again?” or, one of your favorites, “How is it already 4 o’clock?!”
Your mind was prepared to calm friends and family when they complained about how long the day felt. You knew it would happen. It was all apparent.
Thanks to your superpower.
Thinking with your amazing new abilities helped make everything easier. You could see the future and have the ability to prepare for it in advance.
You already chose to suggest eating dinner at 7 pm. Everyone in your family would be thinking that it’s 6 o’clock and wondering why no one is hungry. You couldn’t wait to eat until 8 pm. It was too close to your bedtime.
You had dinner planned out. In fact, you went shopping in the morning to have everything prepared. There’s only one reason you could be so on top of things.
That’s right, superpower.
Too early to watch your evening TV shows? It was not. You stopped looking at the light outside, your kryptonite, and only at the clock.
Going to bed early or too late? You chose to go to bed at your usual time, around 9:30 pm, to stay on schedule.
After about thirty minutes of tossing and turning, you finally fell asleep. Waking up the next morning was easy.
You have the power. Make sure to use it when adjusting to every daylight savings time from here on out—be faster than a speeding bullet.
When it comes around again, look inside, think deeply, and decide to make the right choices.
You may call it a superpower.
I call it, the power to plan ahead.
Now, go forth and face the week with confidence.
You are the Daylight Conquerer.