Happy Batman Day!
/Little prancing Batman ready to fight crime with a flair for the silly!
Saturday, September 17th 2016, marked Batman Day, a time to commemorate the creation of the Dark Knight and appreciate the cultural impact the character has had on the whole entire world! Special events were held around the globe and celebrities, artists and big companies joined in.
Me? I completely forgot!
Batman is my favorite superhero and even though life has been pretty busy lately, I squeezed in time to draw the above sketch. Actually, I didn't draw this one until a few days after Batman Day but it was still fun.
It's quite pleasurable to take serious characters and add a little silly to them. Can you imagine how odd it would look to see Batman prancing down the street at night? He'd probably scare off all the criminals. Batman's gone crazy!
I used blue pencil for the sketch and then black pen I got from the dollar store in Japan. It's called a Magic Drawing Pen by Rushon, 0.5 size. Even though it was cheap, I love inking with it!
Have a great day and do a little prance to commemorate good ol' Batsy!